©HHP 12/9/97
Franklin College
Canton of Ticino, Switzerland
Summer course 1998
[Hesse water color © Heiner Hesse, Arcegno]

A five-week course in watercolor that combines the painting of the Ticinese landscape with the study of the water colors and writings of Nobel Prize-winning novelist Herman Hesse. 
  1. to paint the landscape of Ticino with watercolors, as did Hesse when he lived there.
  2. to use the watercolors and writings of Hesse as sources of personal inspiration.
  3. to develop skill in the use of watercolor as an expressive medium.
The course concentrates on instruction in watercolor techniques, composition and use of color with an emphasis on the development of the student's creativity and powers of observation. It also includes lectures on Hesse, readings and discussions of his works, a visit to the Herman Hesse Museum in Montagnola, field trips to the historic villages of Agra and Gentilino and on-location painting of the countryside of Ticino. 


Although prior experience in painting with watercolors is not required, such experience, and especially a knowledge of basic drawing, is highly recommended. The course could be made available to the general public as well as to regular undergraduates. 


Herman Hesse. Klingsor’s Last Summer. Wandering. Other Hesse writings as appropriate. Also, the recently published Herman Hesse, pittore. (Mazzota) with texts by Volker Michels, Heiner Hesse, Herman Hesse, Ambrosio Pellegrini, Ferruccio Massini. The book is scheduled to appear in English in the Spring of 1998. 


J. Michael Keating 
artist and Instructor of Art, Sierra College, Rocklin, California. 


Posted by HHP on December 12, 1997
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